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Notes on the Executive Branch

The First Prime Minister has fusion power that are both functions in both the executive and the legislature.

The First Prime Minister first requisite is to "form a government" – to create a cabinet of ministers that has the support the Vesey Republic's Chamber of Commons of which most cabinet members will be a member of the First Prime Minister's party or governing coalition. 

The First Prime Minister appoints and accepts resignations of all senior cabinet members without any Parliamentary or other control or process over these powers. 

The First Prime Minister decides the ranking order of all ministers.

At any time, the First Prime Minister may obtain the appointment, dismissal or nominal resignation of any other minister.

The First Prime Minister may resign, either purely personally or with the whole government.

The First Prime Minister is leader of the majority political party.

The First Prime Minister can dismiss or replace any senior cabinet member who has fallen out of favor.  

The First Prime Minister coordinates the policies and activities of the Cabinet and Government departments, acting as the main public "face" of the Vesey Republic. 

The First Prime Minister can overrule the policy decisions of individual ministers.

The First Prime Minister chairs the Cabinet, decides its membership, and when and where meetings take place.  Other important policy decisions are made by the Cabinet Committees. 

The First Prime Minister is free to decide the Cabinet Committees' structure, membership, chairmanship, and terms of reference.  

A number of Cabinet Committees are chaired by the P.M.

The First Prime Minister is responsible for national security matter and chairs meetings of the Vesey Republics Global Security Council and appoints the Global Security Advisor.

The prime minister has 'almost complete discretion over how to organize government departments', including creating government departments, merging and renaming them, transferring responsibilities between them, and abolishing them. 

The First Prime Minister has the power over the Vesey Republic's Civil Service. These powers may be delegated to designees named by the First Prime Minister. 

The First Prime Minister has the power to deploy Vesey Republic armed forces outside the country.  

The First Prime Minister is also responsible for authorizing the use of any Vesey Republic nuclear weapons.

The First Prime Minister has significant power to change the law through passing primary legislation, as the Prime Minister is by definition able to command a majority in the House of Commons. Therefore, the PM can normally gain House of Commons support for their desired legislation. 

The First Prime Minister can ask the Speaker of the Estates Parliament to recall the parliament while it is on recess. 

The First Prime Minister can control what is debated in the Estate Chamber of Commons, and when. Even with non-Government business, although the PM does not control the topics raised, the Government controls 'when the time allotted to the Opposition or backbench business is scheduled — meaning that they can simply choose to delay scheduling this time if they think something politically embarrassing might be debated. This means it is difficult for Parliament to debate matters, and extremely difficult for Parliament to pass legislation, against the Government's will.

Vesey Republic 
Draft Program
Assata Shakur
Denmark Vesey
​Denmark Vesey's 
​Reparations Forum
​Republic of New New Afrika  History
The Case for
RNA Constitution
Code of Umoja
​RNA Free the Land
Critical Reading
Vesey Government 
Women's Region
Bill of Rights
Draft Program for A Majority Black-Led Nation-State
The Vesey Republic Executive Branch- First Prime Minister's Office 
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The Vesey Republic
Black Nationalist - Fanonist - Womanist
Bill of Rights
Hampton Park
Denmark Vesey Memorial - Charleston, S.C.
Governance Theory
On Saturday June 8, 2024, the New Black Nationalist Network will release its Vesey Government Model for
a future Black nation-state. 

To Read Statement >
Please come back and visit this page on June 8, 2024, for the final draft. You can also drop in at the new Vesey Republic of Letters page for commentaries and essays on creating a new Black nation-state. To contribute to the final draft please send your comments and links to:
Available Now

> Vesey Republic Estate Parliamentary System

> Vesey Republic of Letters

> What New Black Nationalists Believe

> NBN's Governance Theory of Elasticity

Coming on Juneteenth 2024

Declaration of Independence

​Declaration (Bill) of Rights

​Vesey Estate Parliament

​Women's Autonomous Region
