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Why New Black Nationalists are Embracing Alice Walker's 'Womanism'

4. 10. 21

Today, New Black Nationalists reached consensus to embrace poet-author Alice Walker’s articulation of 'womanism' as an indispensable social theory for Black women’s emancipation. 

NBN Editorial 


to the
Thought Center
For Colored Girls Considering Womanism When Feminism Isn't Enough

6. 10. 16 

I have this thing. Whenever someone is talking to me about a subject that requires a bit of thought, I'll think of a song that applies to the question, as I'm thinking of an answer. 

by Ashley Daniels


Excerpt: Introduction  
The Womanist Reader

10. 16. 06​

"The ascent of womanist scholarship and usage of womanist terminology in the popular sphere precipitated ongoing attempts to define womanism in relation to feminism as well as to debate the merits of womanism versus feminism. Several points have been at issue: Is womanism “its own thing” or simply an identity? Does womanism detract from feminism? Is womanism an alternative to feminism for women who reject feminism? Is womanism soft on sexism and an apology for patriarchy? Is womanism pro-lesbian or, alternately, soft on homophobia? Is womanism essentially academic or truly vernacular? Interestingly, within the field of women’s studies, where these questions have been most vigorously debated and are of greatest concern, initial excitement about womanism yielded to obscurity once the determination was made that womanism was simply a synonym for Black feminism, and a relatively superfluous one at that. This view has been cemented by entries in “official” reference works—encyclopedias and dictionaries—that essentially stripped womanism of its defining features and represented it as a largely unremarkable phenomenon." 

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Editor Layli Phillips Maparyan
Alice Walker Poet and Author  
Africana Womanism: Reclaiming Ourselves by Clenora Hudson-Weems
Womanist Reader Edited by Layli Phillips Maparyan
​            Katie's Cannon by                Katie Geneva Cannon
​In Search of Our Mother's Gardens by Alice Walker
Open Forum
​NBN Commentary
What is Africana Womanism: 

In the Words of Clenora Hudson-Weems

4. 8. 20

“Africana Womanism is an ideology created and designed for all women of African descent. It is grounded in our culture, and therefore, it necessarily focuses on the unique experiences, struggles, needs and desires of Africana women. 

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Womanism: The Dynamics of the Contemporary Black Female Novel in English

by Chikwenye Okonjo Ogunyemi

1. 9. 1985

What does a black woman novelist go through as she comes in contact with white feminist writing and realizes that Shakespeare’s illustrious sisters belong to second sex, a situation that has turned them into impotent eunuchs without rooms of their own in which to read and write their very own literature, so they have become madwomen, now emerging from the attic, determined to fight for their rights by engaging in the acrimonious politics of sex ?

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Extending the Imagination of African Gender Thought

On Feminisms and Womanisms [NBN Editor note]

2. 18. 21

African women combat unique oppression. Cisheteropatriarchy, racial capitalism, colorism, and so forth. However, there are specific historical and cultural realities many African women exist within that are distinct to continental African women. Mary Modupe Kolawole, in her 2002 Agenda article addresses the necessity to broaden accessibility to gender theory and practices, “The number of national, tribal and ethnic groups is as important as race, colonial experience, post-colonialism, neo-colonialism, apartheid, military rule, culture, tradition, religion, modernity, and more recently globalization.

From HoodCommunist.org
by Amir Curry 


Womanist Perspectives
Womanist Forum
Why New Black Nationalist Embraced Womanism
Who Can Be A Womanist
Womanism on Race. Gender, 
Class & Vectors of Difference
Womanism Thought Center
Womanism and Modernism
​Womanism: What Is It?
Womanism and Feminism Are Cousins
Womanism and Black 
Feminism Are Sisters
The Womanist Working Collective
Womens Republic
Africana Womanism