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​The Vesey Republic Economic Plan for a Black Nation-State
​May 7, 2024 
The Republic of Letters No. 2 paper outlines New Black Nationalists' conceptual framework of the Vesey Economic Plan's (VEP) mixed economy system for a future Black nation-state. 

​The VEP departs from the experience of post-independence Black nations that adopted economic plans embracing one of three economic strategies: Fast Nationalization, Protean Neoliberalism, and Decultured Economic Modeling. The VEP creates space for private property, constrained markets, small and medium-sized businesses to coexist with the selective nationalization of social goods and services. 

The model is not a social welfare system. It is conceived as an intergenerational social contract between the government and citizens acknowledging a trade-off of heavy taxation in exchange for "birth to end of life" social benefits. NBN's research affirms the most successful economies, the healthiest and well-educated citizens, the least corrupt governments and the most effective social services are small states with culturally homogenous populations deploying a mixed economy system.  

NBN further asserts new multi-party independent Black microstates emerging out of American Empire's collapse will share similar size, demographic, and advanced economic platforms to create affordable high-end mixed economic systems. While mixed economy systems of small republics have produced balanced and stable economies, the Black Commons must imbue these state-building projects with their cultural footprint and nationalist aspirations. Only then can these republics be infused with a distinct social meaning and the regenerative power to perpetuate their existence. Thus, Vesey's economic model contemplates a fusion of its mixed economy state-building project with a Black cultural awakening to forward its nation-building agenda.  

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W. Bernell Brooks lll