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“Black Quantum Futurism" (or BQF) is a new approach to living and experiencing reality by way of the manipulation of space-time in order to see into possible futures, and/or collapse space-time into a desired future in order to bring about that future’s reality. This vision and practice derives its facets, tenets, and qualities from quantum physics, futurist traditions, and Black/African cultural traditions of consciousness, time, and space. Inside of the space where these three traditions intersect exists a creative plane that allows for the ability of African-descended people to see “into,” choose, or create the impending future.

Term coined by Nnedi Wahala
I am an Africanfuturist and an Africanjujuist. Africanfuturism is a sub-category of science fiction. Africanjujuism is a subcategory of fantasy that respectfully acknowledges the seamless blend of true existing African spiritualities and cosmologies with the imaginative.

Africanfuturism is similar to “Afrofuturism” in the way that blacks on the continent and in the Black Diaspora are all connected by blood, spirit, history and future. The difference is that Africanfuturism is specifically and more directly rooted in African culture, history, mythology and point-of-view as it then branches into the Black Diaspora, and it does not privilege or center the West. 

Africanfuturism is concerned with visions of the future, is interested in technology, leaves the earth, skews optimistic, is centered on and predominantly written by people of African descent (black people) and it is rooted first and foremost in Africa. It's less concerned with "what could have been" and more concerned with "what is and can/will be". It acknowledges, grapples with and carries "what has been". 

Africanfuturism does not HAVE to extend beyond the continent of Africa, though often it does. Its default is non-western; its default/center is African. This is distinctly different from “Afrofuturism” (The word itself was coined by Mark Dery and his definition positioned African American themes and concerns at the definition's center. Note that in this case, I am defining “African Americans” as those who are direct descendants of the stolen and enslaved Africans of the transatlantic slave trade). 
  Black is the new Black -- A 21st Century Manifesto
​ by D. Scott Miller

In an introduction to prophet Henry Dumas' 1974 book Ark Of Bones and Other Stories, Amiri Baraka puts forth a term for what he describes as Dumas' "skill at creating an entirely different world organically connected to this one ... the Black aesthetic in its actual contemporary and lived life." The term he puts forth is Afro-Surreal Expressionism. Dumas had seen it. Baraka had named it. Afro-Surreal presupposes that beyond this visible world, there is an invisible world striving to manifest, and it is our job to uncover it. Like the African Surrealists, Afro-Surrealists recognize that nature (including human nature) generates more surreal experiences than any other process could hope to produce. This is Afro-Surreal!
Black Quantum Futurism
The Black Speculative Arts Movement is a network of creatives, intellectuals, and artists representing different positions or basis of inquiry including: Afrofuturism, Astro Blackness, Afro-Surrealism, Ethno Gothic, Black Digital Humanities, Black (Afro-future female or African Centered) Science Fiction, The Black Fantastic, Magical Realism, and The Esoteric. Although these positions may be incompatible in some instances they overlap around the term speculative and design; and interact around the nexus of technology and ethics.                                           

The Black Speculative Arts Movement
The Mundane Afrofuturist Manifesto
Comments by Martine Syms
We, the undersigned, being alternately pissed off and bored, need a means of speculation and asserting a different set of values with which to re-imagine the future. In looking for a new framework for black diasporic artistic production, we are temporarily united in the following actions. ***The Mundane Afrofuturists recognize that:***
We did not originate in the cosmos.
The connection between Middle Passage and space travel is tenuous at best.                                  
Out of five hundred thirty-four space travelers, fourteen have been black. An all-black crew is unlikely. Magic interstellar travel and/or the wondrous communication grid can lead to an illusion of outer space and cyberspace as egalitarian.
Journal of Futures Studies
The Black Posthuman Transformer: A Secularized Technorganic

Cyborgisms, such as Tiffany Barber’s grammatical interpretation of Wangechi Mutu’s Non je ne regrette rien, Donna Haraway’s “Cyborg Manifesto”, or Marilou de Haan’s I Am a Cyborg, each maintain that cyborgs are “boundary creatures, not only human/machine but creatures of cultural interstice as well” (Stone, 1995 p. 178). As a speculative device, critical discourse has called upon the cyborg to navigate the unclear boundaries of identity. Most prominently, the cyborg has been used to situate a feminist metaphysic. For instance, Barber’s grammatical interpretation of Black female identity, which is in conversation with Mutu’s Non je ne regrette rien highlights the rupture in Black female identity.
New Black Nationalists Statement of Support for Afrofuturism   
Engaging the Black Ethos: Afrofuturism as a Design Lens               for Inclusive Technological Innovation                                           by Woodrow W. Winchester                                               Posted on the Journal for Future Studies                   
Afrofuturism is not for Africans Living in Africa
by Mohale Mashego

Afrofuturism & New Black Nationalism
The Vesey Republic
​Black Nationalist - Womanist - Fanonist